Bridal Shower is tomorrow for my future daughter-in-law. I purchased towels on her bridal registry and decided it would be more interesting and fun to give them in the form of a wedding cake.
- Towels: 2 bath, 1 hand, 1 finger tip purchased at Bed, Bath & Beyond
- Cricut Cartridge: Accent Essentials, Plantin SchoolBook, Storybook, Sweethearts
- Punch: Heart punch from Martha Stewart
- Other: Glimmer Mist "Iridescent Gold", Glimmer Mist "Lemon Zest", Glimmer Mist "Peach Delight", white tulle, gems, Stickles, corsage pins from Michaels, Popsicle Sticks from Michaels, green paint, hot glue.
Towel Cake |
Towel Cake Recipe:
- Bottom Layer: Roll finger towel and 1 bath towel together. Wrap the hand towel around and secure in back with corsage pins.
- Top Layer: Roll 1 bath towel. Secure in back with corsage pins.
- * Bath Towels are folder length-wise into fourths.
- Tie white tulle around both layers.
- Bells on bottom layer: cut image and shadow at 2" from Cricut Sweethearts cartridge; [Bells] found on page 56 of the folder. Gem glued to center of bow image. Tie onto tulle with white twine.
- Flowers = cut 20 each (all from white card stock): one set at 2", one set at 1 3/4", one set at 1 1/2" - from Cricut Accent Essentials cartridge; [Accent24-s] found on page 54 of the folder. Spray half of 2" and 1 3/4" flower cuts with Glimmer Mist "Iridescent Gold." Spray other half or 2" and 1 3/4" flower cuts with Glimmer Mist "Lemon Zest." Set aside to dry. Spray all of the 1 1/2" flower cuts with Glimmer Mist "Peach Delight." Set aside to dry. Once dry, the flowers will be colored as white shimmer, yellow shimmer and peach shimmer.
- Flower Stems = paint round popsicle sticks with green paint and set aside to dry.
- Flower Leaves = cut at 10 (from green card stock): one set at 1 3/4", one set at 1 1/2" = from Cricut Accent Essentials cartridge; [Accent41-s] found on page 72 of the folder.
- Flower Assembly = bend each flower petal in the center. Glue together one each: 2" in white, 1 3/4" in yellow, 1 1/2" in peach. Other flowers will be assembled as: 2" in yells, 1 3/4" in white, 1 1/2" in peach. Glue gem to center of each flower. Glue one leaf to back. Attach to green popsicle stick using hot glue. I chose to make some flowers without the 2" flower layer.

- Poke the flower sticks around the bottom cake layer.
- Top flowers are attached with foam tape.
- Car at top = cut image and two shadows at 3 3/4" from Cricut Sweethearts cartridge; [CarCuple] found on page 65 of the folder. After assembled, hot glue a green popsicle stick to the back of the car's shadow. Attach the second shadow to the back using foam tape around the popsicle stick.
- Date on back of car = cut at 1/2" from Cricut Plantin SchoolBook.
Cake Board |
Cake Board:
- Flowers = cut seven flowers from white card stock at 1 1/2". Spray with Glimmer Mist "Peach Delight." Once dried, glue around edge of cake board. Add a gem to the center.
- Names "Jessica & Dave" = cut letters and shadows at 2" from Cricut Storybook cartridge. Glue around edge of cake board. Punch two small hearts and glue on either side of the "&" symbol. Add stickles to "&" symbol.
- Heart & Couple Silhouette = cut image and shadow at 5" from Cricut Sweethearts cartridge; [HeartCpl-s] found on page 40 of the folder.
- Text "I Do . . . " cut at 1" from Cricut Sweethearts cartridge; [Ido-s] found on page 60 of the folder.