Showing posts with label Shrinky Dinks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shrinky Dinks. Show all posts

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Monogram Hairbrushes With Shrinky Dinks Charms

 I purchased these four Conair hairbrushes at Walmart for $3.98 each.   I liked the fact that they had a nice flat back - perfect for adding a monogram.

Initial monograms in white vinyl.   Initials were cut at 2.5" using Cricut Storybook cartridge.

Adding Shrinky Dinks Charms!   Images printed and cut at 2.5" using Cricut Imagine Best Friends cartridge.   Above picture is before shrinking in the oven (325 degrees for 3 minutes.)  Place images on a cookie sheet with brown sack underneath.   Images need to be baked printed side down.

When printing / cutting on Cricut Imagine, make sure to print on the ruff side to prevent streaking.   Also, when complete the image will be reversed.  As seen above, images with text were backwards - I should have "flipped" the image before printing on the Imagine to correct the issue.

Additionally, I punched a 3/16" hole at the top of each charm before placing in the oven.

Shrinky Dinks after coming out of the oven.   Charms shrink down to 1/3 of original size.

Purple hairbrush with charm added.  The purple ball chain was purchased at Hobby Lobby for $1.47.  Original chain was much longer; I cut to desired size using regular scissors.

Jump ring was added thru charm to enable attachment to chain.

I also added Mod Podge Dimensional Magic to top of charm to give it the extra thickness and shine.   Make sure the jump ring is in the charm before adding the Mod Podge Dimensional Magic.  Allow the charm about 3 hours to dry before handling.

Pink monogram hairbrush with charm.

Orange monogram hairbrush with charm.

Blue monogram hairbrush with charm.